Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The Tale of 5 Stupid Tourists

Spent the long weekend in Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia with my college friends - the funniest, craziest people you'll ever go on a trip with. We were not complete as the others decided to - not go. It was one hell of a weekend - never a dull moment. We laughed at almost anything - even those that other people won't find a bit funny. Maybe this is the reason why I am friends with these people, we can just look at each other and laugh boisterously.

Day 2 - Sun, sand and the deep blue
We spent the entire day "speed sailing" from one island to another. We were fortunate enough to have crazy drivers who granted us with free roller coaster rides in the sea. After we have parked our "bot", we looked for a spot where we can leave our stuffs before hitting the water. Good thing, there were very few tourists, we found a spot easily.And because we were poor stupid tourists, we didn't avail of the water sports and other water activities. Daene, Mabz and Dale did some snorkeling while carms and I sat on the shore with our ipods, cameras and sunblocks.

We transfered to the 2nd island around lunch time - well, to have lunch. Food was pretty much affordable, 2 ringgit for lunch is not bad - when you're a poor stupid tourist.The cool breeze and the sound of the waves made Carms and I sleepy. We went looking for a spot (we're into looking for spots)to lie down. We found a perfect spot and slept the rest of the 2 hours away.

We went to the final island and we saw a Komodo dragon - how exciting. We were hoping to see hot backpackers and all Kota Kinabalu can offer is a lonely, slow, sociable Komodo Dragon.

We got back at the lodge at around - i honestly can't remember. We then had dinner at a Malaysian Restaurant just beside the lodge.

After dinner, Mabz, Dale and I went to see Twilight while Carms and Daene walked around the city.

Day 3 - Green, wet, and lost
Day 4 - Hot, tired, and lost

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